I have new bie to alfresco-surf framework and created one small application. I can access my page using http://localhost:9090/surf/page?p=login
url but when i typed only http://localhost:9090/surf
its showing
HTTP Status 404 - /surf/
Also I want to use this page for authentication and want to call my Java class to authenticate the user from database. but i don't know how to call my Java class and where to configure.
I create login.xml inside the WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\site-data\pages\login.xml also create the template instance.
Please help I want to make it as my home page and want to call my custom java class for authentication and want success or failure to render home page.
I got it working. In \webapps\surf\WEB-INF\classes\alfresco\site-data\configurations there is a file named
In this file we have to mention the root page.