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angular factory not passing data to controller

I've got a simple factory passing data gathered from Mongolab into one controller, but I can't get it in another.

app.factory('User', function ($mongolabResourceHttp) {
    return $mongolabResourceHttp('users');

I've also got a Goal factory just like this. Both work fine as-is.

The above factory is working fine in my userCtrl, but I can't add it into my goalCtrl. I've got a userguid that I want to attach to goals. Basically: click link to user goals, create goals, userguid becomes part of saved goal.

app.controller('goalCtrl', function ($scope, $location, goals, users) {
    $scope.goals = goals;
    $scope.users = users;

    $ = function () {



Any clues would be much appreciated. Thanks.

(I asked a similar question earlier today, but I think it had too many issues going on and it didn't get any responses. I have since worked out one of the issues and this question is to narrow it down further. So this isn't a complete repeat. Sorry if it bugs anyone though.)


  • You need to inject the service into your controller using the actual service name of 'User':

    app.controller('goalCtrl', function ($scope, $location, goals, User) {
      $scope.users = User;

    I'd also read up on angular service and dependency injection when you get a chance.