I'm trying to use a select all checkbox to select a column of checkboxes.
So I gave all the ones I want checked off at once the same name ABoxesElement so that I can easily check them all on in javascript.
However when I use firebug in firefox I can see that the checkboxes did not keep the name I gave them but pre-pended the component name and appended an auto-incrementing number to my checkboxes.
Since I cannot use regex in getElementByName how can I go about setting the same value in multiple checkboxes. (ID is used for something else).. here is my code:
Select All Checkbox
onclick = 'selectAllACheckBoxes'
Example of one of the checkboxes that I want checked
****Example of Javascript ****
function selectAllCheckBoxes(source) {
var checked = source.checked
var cbName = source.name + 'Element';
var col = document.getElementsByName(cbName);
for (var i=0; i<col.length;i++)
col[i].checked = checked;
col[i].disabled = !checked;
When the page renders however I notice that the name of the individual checkboxes is not ABoxesElement but something like component_nameAboxesElement_2 so the script won't work unless getElementsByName can accept regexes.
Any ideas on how to go around this?
the tld for checkbox has another attribute
<rtexprvalue>true</rtexprvalue> </attribute>
can use that to store the "name" and then access the element through it?
EDIT HTML OUTPUT for an individual checkbox
<input type="hidden" value="true" id="a1ON_hidden" name="mform_content_AboxesElement_hidden_2"/>
<input type="checkbox" onclick="setKeys(event);safeCall(selectAllCheckBoxes,this);" value="" title="Click here" id="a1ON" name="form_content_AboxesElement_2"/>
EDIT 2 HTML OUTPUT for a selectall checkbox
<input type="hidden" name="mform_content_ABoxes_hidden_1" id="allABoxes_hidden" value="true"/>
<input type="checkbox" name="mform_content_ABoxes_1" id="marketsAll" title="Click to select" value="" onclick="setKeys(event);safeCall(selectAllCheckBoxes,this);"/>
Here's a kickoff:
function selectAllCheckboxes(checkboxElement) {
var allFormElements = checkboxElement.form.elements;
for (var i = 0; i < allFormElements.length; i++) {
var formElement = allFormElements[i];
if (formElement.name.indexOf('mform_content_ABoxes_') == 0) { // Check if its name starts with particular string.
formElement.checked = checkboxElement.checked;
You could eventually pass the 'mform_content_ABoxes_'
in as another function argument, or even extract it from checkboxElement.name
if you know the patterns used in generating the name