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Eclipse hangs when trying to debug clojure project

Similar to my earlier question.

Eclipse hangs when trying to debug a Clojure project. Earlier I was using Eclipse Kepler on Windows 8, now same thing happens using Eclipse Juno on Windows XP. The Eclipse error log contains the following relevant entries (earliest at top):

07:30 (Info)  Started ccw nREPL server: nrepl://
07:30 (Info)  Starting REPL with program args: -i "/C:/Documents and Settings/bjarvis/My Documents/Java/eclipse/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/804/1/.cp/ccw/debug/serverrepl.clj" -e "(require ' ( :ack-port 1581) nil)"  
07:30 (Info)  Adding to project's classpath to support nREPL: [C:\Documents and Settings\bjarvis\My Documents\Java\eclipse\plugins\ccw.core_0.20.0.STABLE001\tools.nrepl-0.2.1.jar]
07:31 (Error) Waiting for new REPL process ack timed out
07:31 (Error) Waiting for new REPL process ack timed out

One odd thing I noticed was that after the first crash the "Leiningen" and "Clojure" entries in the project right-click menu were gone, so I assume that CCW "crashed" or went away or ??? Exiting Eclipse and starting it up again restored those menu entries.

I realize there's not much information here, but does anyone have any ideas? Note that the debugger worked OK for a few days - then this morning the problems started. Also note that I can run this file successfully by "sending" it to a REPL using Ctrl-Alt-S.

FWIW, the file I'm trying to debug is:

(ns myproject.core
  (:require [ :as jdbc]) )

(defn foo [str]
  (println str "Hello, World!")

(defn hello [who]
  (str "Hello " who "!"))

(defn db-test []
    (let [db-path "c:/derby/testdb1"]
      (def db {:classname "org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"
               :subprotocol "derby"
               :subname db-path
               :create true})

      (println db)

      ; Create a table named TESTTABLE here and insert some data

      (jdbc/db-do-commands db false
           (ID_TT    BIGINT
              NOT NULL
                PRIMARY KEY,
            NAME     VARCHAR(10),
            ADDRESS  VARCHAR(20))"
           VALUES ('Bob',  'Home'),
                  ('Jack', 'Top Of The Hill'),
                  ('Elmo', 'Dumpster')"

      ; Query the database to see what you find

      (jdbc/with-connection db 
         (jdbc/with-query-results rs ["SELECT * FROM TESTTABLE"] 
           ; rs will be a sequence of maps, 
           ; one for each record in the result set. 
           (dorun (map #(println (:title %)) rs))))


  • If you are willing to try another IDE, my experience is that debugging Clojure works really well in IntelliJ, perhaps that will help you. There is a free EAP version that you may use together with the La Clojure plugin (it works best with IntelliJ version 13).

    The following blog explains how to debug using IntelliJ: