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Prolog XPCE how to get multiple values from text item?

I have a dialog which contains multiple text item elements and a button. How can i retrieve the values and use them?

new(D, dialog('Add a recipe')),
send(D, append(new(NameItem,   text_item('Name')))),
send(D, append(new(InstItem,   text_item('Instruction')))),
send(D, append(new(IngrItem,   text_item('Ingredients')))),
send(D, append(new(TimeItem,   text_item('Time')))),
send(D, append(button('Store', message(D, return, '1')))),
get(D, confirm, Rvalue),
write(NameItem), nl,
write(InstItem), nl,
write(IngrItem), nl,
write(TimeItem), nl,


  • test :-
        new(D, dialog('Add a recipe')),
        send(D, append(new(NameItem,   text_item('Name')))),
        send(D, append(new(InstItem,   text_item('Instruction')))),
        send(D, append(new(IngrItem,   text_item('Ingredients')))),
        send(D, append(new(TimeItem,   text_item('Time')))),
        send(D, append(button('Store', message(D, return, '1')))),
        send(D, show(true)),
        get(D, confirm, _Rvalue),
        maplist(getv, [NameItem, InstItem, IngrItem, TimeItem]),
    getv(T) :- get(T, selection, V), writeln(V).

    you can process a list altogether, applying to each element (a textitem object) a 'get text' operation