I have a simple Ember.js app. There's an application view
and inside that view there's a results view
I'm using ember-model to fetch JSON from the server that way:
Map.Winery = Ember.Model.extend({
name: Ember.attr(),
address: Ember.attr(),
address_2: Ember.attr(),
city: Ember.attr(),
stateprovince: Ember.attr(),
country: Ember.attr(),
latitude: Ember.attr(),
longitude: Ember.attr(),
full_address: function () {
return this.get('address') + ' ' + this.get('city') + ' ' + this.get('stateprovince') + ' ' + this.get('country');
}.observes('address', 'city', 'stateprovince', 'country')
Map.Winery.adapter = Ember.Adapter.create({
findAll: function(klass, records) {
return Ember.$.getJSON('/api/wineries').then(function(response) {
if (response.success) {
records.load(klass, response.data);
I made it as simple as possible so people can have a fair look at what's going on.
So basically, I have a button in my application view that whenever I click, calls an action that calls Map.Winery.findAll(); (reloads data from the server).
What I'd like is, whenever there's new data loaded in the records, the results view
should update with the new results.
<button class="locate" {{action "reload" on="click"}}>Reload</button>
{{view Map.ResultsView}}
Map.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
actions: {
reload: function() {
var results = Map.Winery.findAll();
<div class="results">
{{#each results}}
Map.ResultsView = Ember.View.extend({
templateName: 'results',
didInsertElement: function(e) {
Now question is: How do I make it so whenever there's new data loaded from the server to the records, results view gets updated?
I tried inserting as much related code as possible, feel free to ask any questions.
Best way I found is to add an event to whatever I need to be triggered and use that trigger whenever I need it.
Using Ember.Evented
App.ApplicationController = Ember.ObjectController.extend(Ember.Evented, {
viewUpdated: function(args) {}
/* controller stuff here */
I'm now able to add events like this from almost anywhere:
this.get('controller').on('viewUpdated', $.proxy(this.viewUpdated, this));
So whenever I have to trigger the view to update I do:
this.get('controllers.application').trigger('viewUpdated', args);
(args is optional by the way)
That way the event gets triggered whenever I want to. It's not as powerful as an observer but still it does the job pretty well!