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WIX - Write Property in Registry

I'm trying to write a property, correctly passed by burn, to the registry in my MSI

Here there is the code from the bootstrapper

<Variable Name="REFERAL" Type="string" bal:Overridable="yes" Persisted="yes" Value="REFERAL__123456" />
<MsiProperty Name="REFERAL" Value="[REFERAL]" />

Here there is the code from MSI

    <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLFOLDER">
      <Component Id="Main" Guid="138feeae-f687-4973-8d94-2bfaa2ddec38">
        <RegistryValue Root='HKCU' Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]' Name='REFERER' Type='string' Value='[REFERER]' />

Logs report that the property REFERER is correctly changed

bootstrap burn

[25E4:2464][2013-10-23T10:18:04]i323: Registering package dependency provider: {A7E4C8A8-DC93-431F-A48C-8DAB6D766C5A}, version:, package: app.msi
[25E4:2464][2013-10-23T10:18:04]i301: Applying execute package: app.msi, action: Install, path: C:\Users\Daniele\AppData\Local\Package Cache\{A7E4C8A8-DC93-431F-A48C-8DAB6D766C5A}v1.0.0.16052\app.msi, arguments: ' ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT="1" MSIFASTINSTALL="7" REFERAL="REFERAL__123456"'
[25E4:2464][2013-10-23T10:18:07]i319: Applied execute package: app.msi, result: 0x0, restart: None


MSI (s) (9C:64) [10:18:05:690]: Command Line: ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1 MSIFASTINSTALL=7 REFERAL=REFERAL__123456 REBOOT=ReallySuppress CURRENTDIRECTORY=C:\Users\Daniele\Sviluppo\c#\app\installer-bootstrap\bin\x86\ReleaseForPublish CLIENTUILEVEL=3 MSICLIENTUSESEXTERNALUI=1 CLIENTPROCESSID=9700 
MSI (s) (9C:64) [10:18:05:692]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying REFERAL property. Its current value is 'none'. Its new value: 'REFERAL__123456'.
. here it doesn't write the value
MSI (s) (9C:64) [10:18:06:800]: Executing op: RegAddValue(Name=REFERER,,)


  • You want the Value to be "REFERAL__123456". Your MsiProperty element assigns this value to the MSI property named REFERAL, yet in your RegistryValue element you use the value REFERER. Change it to REFERAL and you're good to go. You should also specify the Action attribute, to make clear what you are doing with this element:

    <DirectoryRef Id="INSTALLFOLDER">
      <Component Id="Main" Guid="138feeae-f687-4973-8d94-2bfaa2ddec38">
        <RegistryValue Root='HKCU' Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]' Action='write' Name='REFERER' Type='string' Value='[REFERAL]' />