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Assigning a value to a PIC clause less than specified length

I'm a beginner to COBOL, and i'm wondering what would happen if i did something like the following:
(I know that the below code isnt runnable cobol, its just there for example)

foo pic x(5)
accept foo

and the user types in a string that is only 3 characters long (e.g. yes) would the value of foo be just "yes"? or would it fill the all 5 characters as specified at creation (for example: "(space)(space)yes" or "yes(space)(space)", or is it something else?


here is my code

000100        IDENTIFICATION DIVISION.                           
000200       *--------------------                               
000300        PROGRAM-ID. ZIPCODES.                              
000400       *--------------------                               
000500        ENVIRONMENT DIVISION.                              
000600       *--------------------                               
000700        CONFIGURATION SECTION.                             
000800        INPUT-OUTPUT SECTION.                              
000900        FILE-CONTROL.                                      
001000            SELECT PRT ASSIGN TO UT-S-PRTAREA.             
001200        DATA DIVISION.                                     
001300       *-------------                                      
001400        FILE SECTION.                                      
001500        FD  PRT                                            
001600            RECORD CONTAINS 80 CHARACTERS                  
001700            DATA RECORD IS LINE-PRT.
001800        01  LINE-PRT              PIC X(80).                
002000        WORKING-STORAGE SECTION.                            
002100       *-----------------------                             
002200                 EXEC SQL INCLUDE SQLCA  END-EXEC.          
002310        01 done.                                           
002320           02 donevar            PIC x(5) VALUE 'done '.    
002400        01 ZIP-RECORD.                                      
002500           02 ZIP                PIC X(5).                  
002600           02 ZCITY              PIC X(20).                 
002700           02 ZSTATE             PIC X(2).                  
002800           02 ZLOCATION          PIC X(35).                 
003000        01 H1.                                              
003100           02 COLUMN-1           PIC X(8) VALUE 'Zip-Code'. 
003200           02 FILLER             PIC X(2).                  
003300           02 COLUMN-2           PIC X(5) VALUE 'State'.
003400           02 FILLER             PIC X(2).                       
003500           02 COLUMN-3           PIC X(4) VALUE 'City'.          
003600           02 FILLER             PIC X(16).                      
003700           02 COLUMN-4           PIC X(14) VALUE 'Location Text'.
003800           02 FILLER             PIC X(29).                      
004000        01 L1.                                                   
004100           02 ZIP-L1             PIC X(5).                       
004200           02 FILLER             PIC X(5).                       
004300           02 STATE-L1           PIC X(2).                       
004400           02 FILLER             PIC X(5).                       
004500           02 CITY-L1            PIC X(20).                      
004600           02 LOCTXT-L1          PIC X(35).                      
004700           02 FILLER             PIC X(28).                      
004900        PROCEDURE DIVISION.                                      
005000       *------------------                                       
005100        BEGIN.
 005200                 OPEN OUTPUT PRT.                                
 005220                 PERFORM ZIP-LOOKUP UNTIL ZIP = done.            
 005600        PROG-END.                                                
 005700                 CLOSE PRT.                                      
 005800                 GOBACK.                                         
 005900       *****************************************************     
 006000       * zip code lookup                                   *     
 006100       *****************************************************     
 006200        ZIP-LOOKUP.                                              
 006300                 DISPLAY 'enter 5 digit zip code'                
 006400                 ACCEPT ZIP                                      
 006500                 EXEC SQL                                        
 006600                  SELECT * INTO :ZIP-RECORD FROM ZBANK.ZIPCODE   
 006700                  WHERE ZIP = :ZIP                               
 006800                 END-EXEC.                                       
 006801                 PERFORM PRINT-H1.                               
 006802                 PERFORM PRINT-L1.                               
 006900        PRINT-H1.
007000                 MOVE H1 TO LINE-PRT                     
007100                 WRITE LINE-PRT.                         
007200        PRINT-L1.                                        
007300                 MOVE  ZIP          TO  ZIP-L1           
007400                 MOVE  ZSTATE       TO  STATE-L1         
007500                 MOVE  ZCITY        TO  CITY-L1          
007510                 STRING ZSTATE DELIMITED BY " ",", ",    
007520                 ZCITY DELIMITED BY SIZE INTO LOCTXT-L1  
007700                 MOVE  L1 TO LINE-PRT                    
007800                 WRITE LINE-PRT.

I'm trying to write the zstate before the zcity, and having it keep asking for ZIP codes as long as the input isnt 'done'


  • The first 5 characters entered will be moved to FOO. If fewer than 5 characters are entered then they will be placed in the left hand positions of FOO and the remaining characters (to the right) will be filled with spaces. If the user enters more than 5 charcters then only the first 5 are moved.

    So to use your example if the user typed "yes" then FOO would contain "yesbb"

    Best thing to do is try it!

    Edit in response to updated question... I think your problem is that the condition needed to terminate the loop is set in the beginning of the loop body and not at the end. Here are a couple of commonly used techniques to solve this problem:

    Pre loop read

              DISPLAY 'Enter a 5 digit zip code'
              ACCEPT ZIP
              PERFORM ZIP-LOOKUP UNTIL ZIP = done.
              EXEC SQL                                        
                WHERE ZIP = :ZIP                               
              PERFORM PRINT-H1.                               
              PERFORM PRINT-L1.
         *    Now get next zip code or 'done'                    
              DISPLAY 'Enter a 5 digit zip code'
              ACCEPT ZIP

    Guard against setting terminating condition within the loop

              PERFORM ZIP-LOOKUP UNTIL ZIP = done.
              DISPLAY 'Enter a 5 digit zip code'
              ACCEPT ZIP
              IF ZIP NOT = DONE
                 EXEC SQL                                        
                   WHERE ZIP = :ZIP                               
                PERFORM PRINT-H1                               
                PERFORM PRINT-L1

    Either one of the above should solve your problem. However, I would suggest trying to update your coding style to include COBOL-85 constructs. The first example above might be coded as follows:

              DISPLAY 'Enter a 5 digit zip code'
              ACCEPT ZIP
              PERFORM UNTIL ZIP = done
                 EXEC SQL                                        
                 WHERE ZIP = :ZIP                               
                 PERFORM PRINT-H1                              
                 PERFORM PRINT-L1
                 DISPLAY 'Enter a 5 digit zip code'
                 ACCEPT ZIP

    The ZIP-LOOKUP paragraph has been in-lined into the PERFORM statement. For short sections of code I find this style much more readable. Also notice single sentence paragraphs (only one period at the end of a paragraph). When COBOL-85 scope terminators are used (eg. END-xxx) the need for mulitple sentences per paragraph goes away - and in fact - they should be avoided.

    Another COBOL construct that you could make use of here is the 88 LEVEL. You could use it as follows:

            01 ZIP-RECORD.                                      
               02 ZIP                PIC X(5). 
                  88 DONE            VALUE 'done  '.

    You no longer need donevar at all. Replace your original test:

            IF ZIP = DONE


            IF DONE

    The above will be true whenever the variable ZIP contains the value "donebb". One advantage of doing this (other than saving one variable declaration) is that a single 88 LEVEL name can be assigned several values, as in:

            01 ZIP-RECORD.                                      
               02 ZIP                PIC X(5). 
                  88 DONE            VALUE 'done  ',
                                           'quit  ',
                                           'stop  '.

    When the user enters any one of done, quit or stop the 88 level name DONE evaluates to true.

    Finally, I presume this is just a skeleton of the program and that the finished version will be checking for I/O errors, bad SQL codes and do basic ZIP code validation. If not, you can expect a lot of trouble down the road.

    COBOL Reference material

    Unfortunately there are very few good up to date resources for learning COBOL. However, one of the books I would recommend is Advanced Cobol 3rd Edition by DeWard Brown. This book provides many examples and explanations regarding COBOL program development. It also identifies whether a construct is rarely used, obsolete or essential. This is good to know since you should be developing new code using modern COBOL programming techniques (I continue to see a lot of new COBOL developed using pre-COBOL 85 coding practice - and it is horrible).

    An open source guide is the OpenCOBOL Programmers Guide. This targets OpenCOBOL but much of it is applicable to any flavour of COBOL.

    Finally, there are several vendors guides and manuals, many of which are available on the internet. For example Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Language Reference and Enterprise COBOL for z/OS Programming guide are freely available. Microfocus COBOL guides are also available. Search any you will find...