I have written a DXL functions which reads out some attributes and outgoing links from a DOORS module and writes it to an MS Excel Sheet. It works fine.
Now i would like to add the following to the DXL-function:
When I open a DOORS module and apply a Filter --> "Links" then i can say "passes Linkmodule" and choose a specific one. (I have the german DOORS versions so maybe it's called a bit different)
This is the functions that i have at the moment:
void WriteAllOutLinksToExcel (string sModuleName, string sBookName, string sSheetName)
OleAutoObj objExcel = oleGetAutoObject("Excel.Application")
OleAutoObj objBook
OleAutoObj objSheet = null
OleAutoArgs oleArgs = create
Object oCur
Module mCur
bool excelVisible
string sTemp = ""
string sResult = ""
string sNum
int iRow = 1
int iCount = 0
int iNum
Link lref
ModName_ targetMod
oleGet(objExcel, "Visible", excelVisible);
if (!excelVisible) olePut(objExcel,"visible",true);
sResult = oleGet(objExcel,"Workbooks", sBookName);
clear oleArgs;
put(oleArgs, sSheetName);
sResult = oleGet(objExcel, "Sheets", oleArgs, objSheet);
mCur = edit(sModuleName,false);
if(mCur != null)
View v = view("_ABC");
for oCur in mCur do
// Absolute object no..
sTemp = oCur."Absolute Number";
objCell = ExcelGetCell(objSheet, iRow, 1);
// Object text
sTemp = oCur."Object text";
objCell = ExcelGetCell(objSheet, iRow, 2);
// Links
iCount = null;
for lref in oCur -> "*" do {
targetMod = target lref;
iNum = targetAbsNo(lref);
sNum = " " iNum " ";
if(iCount == 0)
sTemp = fullName(targetMod) sNum;
sTemp = sTemp "\n" fullName(targetMod);
sTemp = sTemp sNum;
objCell = ExcelGetCell(objSheet, iRow, 3);
iCount ++;
iRow ++;
oleCloseAutoObject (objExcel);
I am thinking of something like an if-statement inside the for-loop which says: "If linkmodule "abc" is passed then list the information "Object number" & "Object text" & links...
Is this possible? Hope someone can help me with this one?
All you should need to do is add the parameter to your inputs (I added string LinkModName
here) then instead of "*"
put LinkModName
. The "*"
is saying all link modules, but you can replace that with the string name of any specific link module you want to use. Also you should make sure to pass the full path of the Link Module to the function.
Like: /Project_Name/Folder_Name/Link_Module_Name
void WriteAllOutLinksToExcel (string sModuleName, string sBookName, string sSheetName, string LinkModName)
OleAutoObj objExcel = oleGetAutoObject("Excel.Application")
OleAutoObj objBook
OleAutoObj objSheet = null
OleAutoArgs oleArgs = create
Object oCur
Module mCur
bool excelVisible
string sTemp = ""
string sResult = ""
string sNum
int iRow = 1
int iCount = 0
int iNum
Link lref
ModName_ targetMod
oleGet(objExcel, "Visible", excelVisible);
if (!excelVisible) olePut(objExcel,"visible",true);
sResult = oleGet(objExcel,"Workbooks", sBookName);
clear oleArgs;
put(oleArgs, sSheetName);
sResult = oleGet(objExcel, "Sheets", oleArgs, objSheet);
mCur = edit(sModuleName,false);
if(mCur != null)
View v = view("_ABC");
for oCur in mCur do
// Absolute object no..
sTemp = oCur."Absolute Number";
objCell = ExcelGetCell(objSheet, iRow, 1);
// Object text
sTemp = oCur."Object text";
objCell = ExcelGetCell(objSheet, iRow, 2);
// Links
iCount = null;
for lref in oCur -> LinkModName do {
targetMod = target lref;
iNum = targetAbsNo(lref);
sNum = " " iNum " ";
if(iCount == 0)
sTemp = fullName(targetMod) sNum;
sTemp = sTemp "\n" fullName(targetMod);
sTemp = sTemp sNum;
objCell = ExcelGetCell(objSheet, iRow, 3);
iCount ++;
iRow ++;
oleCloseAutoObject (objExcel);
Hope this helps!