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How to get the ThreadPoolExecutor to increase threads to max before queueing?

I've been frustrated for some time with the default behavior of ThreadPoolExecutor which backs the ExecutorService thread-pools that so many of us use. To quote from the Javadocs:

If there are more than corePoolSize but less than maximumPoolSize threads running, a new thread will be created only if the queue is full.

What this means is that if you define a thread pool with the following code, it will never start the 2nd thread because the LinkedBlockingQueue is unbounded.

ExecutorService threadPool =
  new ThreadPoolExecutor(1 /*core*/, 50 /*max*/, 60 /*timeout*/,
     TimeUnit.SECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(/* unlimited queue*/));

Only if you have a bounded queue and the queue is full are any threads above the core number started. I suspect a large number of junior Java multithreaded programmers are unaware of this behavior of the ThreadPoolExecutor.

Now I have specific use case where this is not-optimal. I'm looking for ways, without writing my own TPE class, to work around it.

My requirements are for a web service that is making call-backs to a possibly unreliable 3rd party.

  • I don't want to make the call-back synchronously with the web-request, so I want to use a thread-pool.
  • I typically get a couple of these a minute so I don't want to have a newFixedThreadPool(...) with a large number of threads that mostly are dormant.
  • Every so often I get a burst of this traffic and I want to scale up the number of threads to some max value (let's say 50).
  • I need to make a best attempt to do all callbacks so I want to queue up any additional ones above 50. I don't want to overwhelm the rest of my web-server by using a newCachedThreadPool().

How can I work around this limitation in ThreadPoolExecutor where the queue needs to be bounded and full before more threads will be started? How can I get it to start more threads before queuing tasks?


@Flavio makes a good point about using the ThreadPoolExecutor.allowCoreThreadTimeOut(true) to have the core threads timeout and exit. I considered that but I still wanted the core-threads feature. I did not want the number of threads in the pool to drop below the core-size if possible.


  • WARNING: This seems to have been invalidated in JDK 21.0.2 because of a change to the LinkedBlockingQueue.offer() method but may work again in JDK 21.0.3.

    How can I work around this limitation in ThreadPoolExecutor where the queue needs to be bounded and full before more threads will be started.

    I believe I have finally found a somewhat elegant (maybe a little hacky) solution to this limitation with ThreadPoolExecutor. It involves extending LinkedBlockingQueue to have it return false for queue.offer(...) when there are already some tasks queued. If the current threads are not keeping up with the queued tasks, the TPE will add additional threads. If the pool is already at max threads, then the RejectedExecutionHandler will be called which does the put(...) into the queue.

    It certainly is strange to write a queue where offer(...) can return false and put() never blocks so that's the hack part. But this works well with TPE's usage of the queue so I don't see any problem with doing this.

    Here's the code:

    // extend LinkedBlockingQueue to force offer() to return false conditionally
    BlockingQueue<Runnable> queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>() {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = -6903933921423432194L;
        public boolean offer(Runnable e) {
            // Offer it to the queue if there is 0 items already queued, else
            // return false so the TPE will add another thread. If we return false
            // and max threads have been reached then the RejectedExecutionHandler
            // will be called which will do the put into the queue.
            if (size() == 0) {
                return super.offer(e);
            } else {
                return false;
    ThreadPoolExecutor threadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(1 /*core*/, 50 /*max*/,
            60 /*secs*/, TimeUnit.SECONDS, queue);
    threadPool.setRejectedExecutionHandler(new RejectedExecutionHandler() {
        public void rejectedExecution(Runnable r, ThreadPoolExecutor executor) {
            try {
                // This does the actual put into the queue. Once the max threads
                //  have been reached, the tasks will then queue up.
                // we do this after the put() to stop race conditions
                if (executor.isShutdown()) {
                    throw new RejectedExecutionException(
                        "Task " + r + " rejected from " + e);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    With this mechanism, when I submit tasks to the queue, the ThreadPoolExecutor will:

    1. Scale the number of threads up to the core size initially (here 1).
    2. Offer it to the queue. If the queue is empty it will be queued to be handled by the existing threads.
    3. If the queue has 1 or more elements already, the offer(...) will return false.
    4. If false is returned, scale up the number of threads in the pool until they reach the max number (here 50).
    5. If at the max then it calls the RejectedExecutionHandler
    6. The RejectedExecutionHandler then puts the task into the queue to be processed by the first available thread in FIFO order.

    Although in my example code above, the queue is unbounded, you could also define it as a bounded queue. For example, if you add a capacity of 1000 to the LinkedBlockingQueue then it will:

    1. scale the threads up to max
    2. then queue up until it is full with 1000 tasks
    3. then block the caller until space becomes available to the queue.

    Also, if you needed to use offer(...) in the RejectedExecutionHandler then you could use the offer(E, long, TimeUnit) method instead with Long.MAX_VALUE as the timeout.


    If you expect tasks to be added to the executor after it has been shutdown, then you may want to be smarter about throwing RejectedExecutionException out of our custom RejectedExecutionHandler when the executor-service has been shutdown. Thanks to @RaduToader for pointing this out.


    Another tweak to this answer could be to ask the TPE if there are idle threads and only enqueue the item if there is so. You would have to make a true class for this and add ourQueue.setThreadPoolExecutor(tpe); method on it.

    Then your offer(...) method might look something like:

    1. Check to see if the tpe.getPoolSize() == tpe.getMaximumPoolSize() in which case just call super.offer(...).
    2. Else if tpe.getPoolSize() > tpe.getActiveCount() then call super.offer(...) since there seem to be idle threads.
    3. Otherwise return false to fork another thread.

    Maybe this:

    int poolSize = tpe.getPoolSize();
    int maximumPoolSize = tpe.getMaximumPoolSize();
    if (poolSize >= maximumPoolSize || poolSize > tpe.getActiveCount()) {
        return super.offer(e);
    } else {
        return false;

    Note that the get methods on TPE are expensive since they access volatile fields or (in the case of getActiveCount()) lock the TPE and walk the thread-list. Also, there are race conditions here that may cause a task to be enqueued improperly or another thread forked when there was an idle thread.