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Database on a J9 JVM (J2ME)

I have a mobile device with an NXP processor running an IBM J9 JVM. System props are telling me that 'JRE Version: J2ME Foundation Specification v1.1' is available.

Do you see any possibility to get a database up and running in such a runtime environment?

I read a few posts regarding J2ME DBMS and gave Apache Derby a try. I took the jar file and threw it on my device. It is loaded correctly but if I try to load the driver i get an

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java.sql.Driver

I'm afraid I'm doing something basically wrong.... Any ideas?



  • Do it yourself #3. ;)

    Got the solution.

    Regarding to chapter (Using IBM J9) of I downloaded the Oracle database Lite 10g and extracted the jdbcjsr169.jar. I added the jar to my classpath, to be more specific as bootclasspath parameter, to avoid a SecurityException...
