I have built a very basic platform "engine":
[Fiddle Removed]
When you move with the arrow keys - the framerate is mentally fast!
I had tried to limit the framerate by using:
var fps = 30;
var now;
var then = Date.now();
var interval = 1000/fps;
var delta;
Then in the draw function:
now = Date.now();
delta = now - then;
if (delta > interval) {
//redrawing scene here
then = now - (delta % interval);
But unfortunetely this still has the same frame rate but the performance decreased (like a frame skip instead of a framerate limit).
Please help me! :(
I'll give you a cookie!
You should review your GameLoop function, methinks. As it stands, you're asking for 1000 frames a second. oops!
When I edit it into this, it gives me about 33 fps.
GameLoop: function() { //initialise game loop
Game.Vars.GameLoop = setTimeout(function() {
requestAnimationFrame(Game.Functions.Update, Game.C);
}, 30);
You had that 30 written as a 1.. :) Choc-chip, if that's okay. If not, I'll take white chocolate and raspberry!
EDIT: Effing Hell, you made it! - gotta love those messages one writes for oneself. :D