I'm getting the following error in eclipse.
Archive for required library: '~/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-core/4.2.1.Final/hibernate-core-4.2.1.Final.jar' in project
I've done Maven
->Update Project
and still it can't recognize the library.
I've verified that the jar file exists in the location mentioned. This post has the same error as I do but I double checked my pom and there are no duplicates.
Check access settings for file '~/.m2/repository/org/hibernate/hibernate-core/4.2.1.Final/hibernate-core-4.2.1.Final.jar' if you are using *nix system, Also make sure you can open hibernate-core-4.2.1.Final.jar archive using third party tools e.g. 7zip or winrar. from my experience many times maven in eclipse does not properly download dependency and downloaded jar is corrupted. If that is the case you can manually download this jar and replace it in .m2 repository.