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Roles.AddUserToRole finds different userId given the same username

I am creating some data in the seed method. I am creating a few users with a few permissions (roles)

WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection("MibContext", "UserProfile", "UserId", "UserName", autoCreateTables: true);

I then have variable for the username (to avoid any typo possibility)

var adminusername = "[email protected]";
var userusername = "[email protected]";

I create the Userprofile record via EF and the UnitOfWork Pattern

var admin = new UserProfile
            FirstName = "Admin",
            LastName = "Account",
            UserName = adminusername

Then create the user Membership account, and assign roles:

WebSecurity.CreateAccount(adminusername, "123456");
WebSecurity.CreateAccount(userusername, "123456");

Roles.AddUserToRole(userusername, Constants.Roles.Administrator);
Roles.AddUserToRole(userusername, Constants.Roles.KeyAccountManager);

The last roles command causes the error, Foreign Key Violation between UsersInRoles and UserProfile. Which is very strange since it can map a role to the first user (which was the admin user first time around, but wanted to see if it could create a permission for that user, which it does)

I then removed the foreign key constraint to see what was going on, and it put a 3 in there. Testing by repeating but adding a 4th role, it seems that the (username, role) parameters are the wrong way around!?!? The new role has Id=4, and on repeating the test, that is what it put in the UserId column.

RoleId  UserId
2        1
2        4

Roles are configured :

<roleManager enabled="true" defaultProvider="SimpleRoleProvider">
    <add name="SimpleRoleProvider" 
         type="WebMatrix.WebData.SimpleRoleProvider, WebMatrix.WebData" />

Am I missing something?


  • The order of fields in the webpages_UsersInRole table is obviously very important.

    I looked at the mapping to see what was there, and the relationship (many -> many) was defined on the ROLES table side. I swapped the mapping to the Users side and it is now working correctly. Here is the mapping I used on the UserProfile object.

     // Relationships
            this.HasMany(t => t.webpages_Roles)
                .WithMany(t => t.UserProfiles)
                .Map(m =>

    Really, the Role Provider should not assume on the order of columns and should specify their names. At least I can still use the default functionality by amending the mapping this way. This is pretty poor SQL:

    INSERT INTO webpages_UsersInRoles VALUES (4,1);