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How to create stored procedure in EF Core using .NET 6

I have a class library project in .NET 6 where I am using EF Core. I am able to create tables using the code-first approach, but stuck on how to create stored procedures. I have seen a few articles on Google but it's showing using old EF 6 but not for EF Core.


  • There is no automatic way to create a stored procedure with EF Core, but the process to do it manually is quite simple.

    First create a new migration as you would normally, it should be empty. Then edit the migration to manually create the procedure. For example:

    public partial class MyNewStoredProcMigration : Migration
        protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
            migrationBuilder.Sql("CREATE PROC DoStuff....");
        protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
            migrationBuilder.Sql("DROP PROC DoStuff");

    Note that you may want to move the string for the procedure into a resource file to keep things tidy.