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How to set JVM heap size for Solr 4.5 on Windows Bitnami stack?


I have Apache Solr installed on Windows Server R2 64-bit machine with 8 GB of RAM. By default, JVM seems to be using ~256 MB of memory. Since I have some pretty big files for indexing with it, sometimes I get Java heap space OutOfMemoryError.

How should I increase the memory size available to Solr?

More details

Most of the documentation / posts I found over the web are pointing to something like java -Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -jar start.jar, but I'm not running the Solr through the command line. It's run as a Windows service. I guess there's a config option to set this somewhere in Solr installation folder, but I'm not able to find it (and besides, not very familiar with Java stack, since I'm a .NET developer).

Few things I tried:

  • setting environment variable in /Bitnami/solr-4.5.0-0/scripts/setenv.bat: set JAVA_OPTS="%JAVA_OPTS% -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m -Xms1024 -Xmx1024m"
  • modifying /Bitnami/solr-4.5.0-0/scripts/serviceinstall.bat and trying to add JvmOptions arguments to a command line for installing Jetty service (again, not familiar with syntax here). There's a similar answer for Ubuntu based installation, but script files are different.
  • running /Bitnami/solr-4.5.0-0/serviceinstall.bat REMOVE and serviceinstall.bat INSTALL after the changes above

Below is Solr's Dashboard screenshot.

Solr dashboard screenshot

Any idea?

Update 1

There's a serviceinstall.bat file in /Bitnami/solr-4.5.0-0/apache-solr/scripts/ which contains Jvm options which I tried modifying but failed to get the expected result. Here's that line from the file (added line breaks for better display):

"D:\BitNami\solr-4.5.0-0/apache-solr\scripts\prunsrv.exe" //IS//solrJetty 

Does anyone know where to put additional JvmOptions (Xmx, Xms...) and what the syntax should be?


  • After some more research, I've managed to increase the heap size, by modifying /Bitnami/solr-4.5.0-0/apache-solr/scripts/serviceinstall.bat script according to @rchukh's comment.

    I've tried modifying that file before, but the Solr service needs to be reinstalled after any change there. The problem was that I tried to reinstall it using the /Bitnami/solr-4.5.0-0/serviceinstall.bat. That batch script should be running all other serviceinstall.bat scripts in all subfolders, however it doesn't run the one that I needed.

    So, here's how my /Bitnami/solr-4.5.0-0/apache-solr/scripts/serviceinstall.bat script looks now (longer lines broken for readability):

    @echo off
    rem -- Check if argument is INSTALL or REMOVE
    if not ""%1"" == ""INSTALL"" goto remove
    "D:\BitNami\solr-4.5.0-0/apache-solr\scripts\prunsrv.exe" //IS//solrJetty 
    net start solrJetty >NUL
    goto end
    net stop solrJetty >NUL
    sc delete solrJetty

    After that script is modified, you need to reinstall the service by running it twice (to remove and install):

    D:/Bitnami/solr-4.5.0-0/apache-solr/scripts/serviceinstall.bat REMOVE
    D:/Bitnami/solr-4.5.0-0/apache-solr/scripts/serviceinstall.bat INSTALL