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Using JSON schema as column headers in dataframe

Ok, as per a previous question (here) I've now managed to read a load of JSON data into R and to get the data into a data frame. here's the code:-

getCall <- GET("", 
                 authenticate("myusername", "password"))

contJSON <- content(getCall)

contJSON = sub("\n\r\n", "", contJSON)

df1 <- fromJSON(sprintf("[%s]", gsub("\n", ",", contJSON)), asText=TRUE)

df <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(df1), nrow=31, byrow=T))

Which gets me a data frame that looks as follows:-


          X1    X2    X3   X4   X5 X6         X7         X8
1 2013-05-01 33682 11838 8023 3815 84 177.000000 177.000000
2 2013-05-02 32622 11626 7945 3681 58 210.000000 210.000000
3 2013-05-03 28467 11102 7786 3316 56 186.000000 186.000000
4 2013-05-04 20884  9031 6670 2361 51   7.000000   7.000000
5 2013-05-05 20481  8782 6390 2392 58   1.000000   1.000000
6 2013-05-06 25175 10019 7082 2937 62  24.000000  24.000000

However, there are no column names in my data frame. When I search for "names" in my JSON object R returns "NULL" so that doesn't give me anything useful.

I am wondering if there is any simple way (that might be repeatable on more general cases) to get the names for the column headers from the JSON schema.

I'm aware there are similar questions elsewhere on the site, but this one did not appear to be covered.

EDIT: As per the comment, here is the structure of the contJSON object.



  • One thing that works is to split on newlines, call from JSON on each row, then recombine the result.

    contJSON <- sub("\n\r\n", "", contJSON) #as before
    rowJSON <- strsplit(contJSON, "\n")[[1]]
    row <- lapply(rowJSON, fromJSON), row))