I'm trying use JScrollPane to simplify the implementation of table scroll of my application. Some tables are so huge, this way, I'm implementing a dynamic load of the elements of the table. The loading is working correctly, however, when the table is loaded withe the new elements, the method scrollToY(int) isn't working:
Scroll = {
init: function (idComponente, componenteAAtualizar, comando) {
var componente = $(PrimeFaces.escapeClientId(idComponente));
componente.container = $(PrimeFaces.escapeClientId(idComponente + ":container"));
componente.idComponenteAAtualizar = PrimeFaces.escapeClientId(componenteAAtualizar);
componente.desativado = false;;
componente.comando = comando;
componente.container[0].oncomplete = function (xhr, status, args) {
var idEscapadoPainelLista = PrimeFaces.escapeClientId(idComponente);
if (args != null)
componente.desativado = args.desativarLiveScroll;
componente.adicionarListenerScroll = function () {
$('.ui-datatable-scrollable-body').bind('jsp-scroll-y', componente.atualizarElementos);
componente.removerListenerScroll = function () {
componente.atualizarElementos = function(event, scrollPositionY, isAtTop, isAtBottom) {
if (!componente.desativado && isAtBottom){
Why I cant scroll to the position I want?
I solved the problem using JQuery to scroll to the position, instead of use scrollToY function of jScrollPane. So the code changed from this:
componente.adicionarListenerScroll = function () {
$('.ui-datatable-scrollable-body').bind('jsp-scroll-y', componente.atualizarElementos);
to this:
componente.adicionarListenerScroll = function () {
$('.ui-datatable-scrollable-body').bind('jsp-scroll-y', componente.atualizarElementos);