I'm reading the EventAggregator
doc in Backbone.Wreqr. It can be used like the following.
MyApp.vent.on("some:namespaced:event", function(){
// ...
I cannot understand if, once set up an handler within a view, I need to remove it or Marionette will do it for me in onClose
method or somewhere else? If I need to remove it, what is the best approach I can follow? Is it necessary just to off
that event? Does the same apply for Commands
using removeHandler
Could you point me in the right direction?
It depends of your situation. If you don't want to listen some event, when module doesn't work, you can subscribe to module "stop" event and execute off for all necessary events.
module.on("stop", function(){
As usuall, view doesn't use global event aggregation. But if you use, you shuold use
this.listenTo( App.vent, "someEvent", function(){...} )
and then Marionette remove this handler.