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How to get all data in JSON format from OpenCart 1.5.4 using vqmode and jQueryMobile

I'm starting to make a mobile application to my shopping cart opencart 1.5.4 and would like to make all types of operations from the application, ie the customer to have all that I offer in OC, see Categories , the goods, create a new user account, log into the account, add to shopping cart, and finally to pay. but I want to make is native code in the app because I will use the phone functions.

for that reason I need to work around with web services, either nusoap or json (I prefer the latter since oc is designed for use).

I read in other questions OcJoy has a solution for this, but I do not know where to download or buy it.

however, would appreciate someone to give me a light with examples of how to do it.

In another post answered by OcJoy, says to list the products had to modify the code in catalog / controller / product / catalog.php, however, the file does not exist in my OC 1.5.4

I would greatly appreciate help with this situation.


  • Ok, I would create a xml file with this code...

    <id><![CDATA[JSON infor for APP]]></id>
    <author><![CDATA[Jeremy Fisk (]]></author>
    <file name="catalog/controller/product/category.php">
            <search position="replace" error="log"><![CDATA[$this->response->setOutput($this->render());]]></search>
            <add><![CDATA[if(isset($this->request->get['json'])) {
                echo json_encode($this->data['products']);
            } else $this->response->setOutput($this->render()); ]]></add>

    and then save it in the vqmod/xml folder... this means that if you navigate to it will show the page like normal, however if you add the json atribute to the url you will get the json data... the url for this would be

    This same code could be modified to add json data for the cart, for checkout, for product pages etc etc...

    I trust this is off assistance to you and i look forward to hearing how you get on...

