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How do I calculate the temperature in celsius returned in JSON?

I'm getting the weather for a city using

The jsonp call is working and everything is fine but the resulting object contains the temperature in an unknown unit:

    "main": {
        "temp": 290.38, // What unit of measurement is this?
        "pressure": 1005,
        "humidity": 72,
        "temp_min": 289.25,
        "temp_max": 291.85

Here is a demo that console.log's the full object.

I don't think the resulting temperature is in fahrenheit because converting 290.38 fahrenheit to celsius is 143.544.

Does anyone know what temperature unit openweathermap is returning?


  • It looks like kelvin. Converting kelvin to celsius is easy: Just subtract 273.15.

    Looking at the API documentation, if you add &units=metric to your request, you'll get back celsius.