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How to setup OWIN with Windows authentication and a custom role provider

In MVC4 I enabled <authentication mode="Windows"/> in the web.config and created a custom role provider which then would automatically wrap the WindowsIdentity with a RolePrincipal for you. Worked like a charm.

How would you do this in MVC5 using OWIN and/or Microsoft.ASPNET.Identity?


  • Its the similar way to configure in web.config or configure at IIS Website.

    <authentication mode="Windows" />
      <deny users="?" />

    Above is sufficient for intranet application. For additional scenarios like providing additional claims transformation as well as mixed authentication, for ASP.NET application, you can use custom OWIN middleware handler.

    Have a look at example of such WindowsPrincipalHandler. You need to register it in startup.cs like app.Use(typeof(WindowsPrincipalHandler))