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Composer wont update to lastest package

I'm using Cakephp and Miles's uploader plugin. I've got the composer plugin installed, and I'm using the latest copy of wamp. Fileinfo extension is enabled in php. when I try to update using composer it doesn't - it just uses a previous version. If I change the json file to force an update to the latest version I get and error message telling me the ext-fileinfo is not present - but it is.............

I need to get the lastest version as I have an error which shows up on my webserver which is running php 5.3 (wamp is using 5.4)

Additional info:-

The main composer.json is :-

    "require": {
        "mjohnson/uploader": "4.3.*",
        "mjohnson/utility": "1.5.*",
        "mjohnson/decoda": "*",
        "titon/utility": "*",
        "cakephp/debug_kit": "2.2.*"

I'm expecting mjohnson/uploader to update (

a sub set composer.JSON is held in the uploader package :-

    "name": "mjohnson/uploader",
    "type": "cakephp-plugin",
    "description": "File uploader and validation plugin for CakePHP.",
    "keywords": ["cakephp", "uploader", "plugin", "file", "validation", "attachment"],
    "homepage": "",
    "license": "MIT",
    "authors": [
            "name": "Miles Johnson",
            "homepage": ""
    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.3.3",
        "ext-curl": "*",
        "ext-mbstring": "*",
        "composer/installers": "*",`enter code here`
        "mjohnson/transit": ">=1.4"
    "support": {
        "source": ""

and I would also have expected mjohnson/transit to have updated


  • I had a similar problem with ext-fileinfo and ext-curl on Windows 7. My problem was the path variable causing the wrong php.exe to be executed by composer. If php -m from the command line shows ext-fileinfo is not present that could be your problem too.