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How to add specific files to assetic?

I have my custom resources directory for my bundle where there are some files:

|-- bootstrap
|   |-- css
|   |   |-- bootstrap-theme.css
|   |   |-- bootstrap-theme.min.css
|   |   |-- bootstrap.css
|   |   |-- bootstrap.min.css
|   |   `-- carousel.css
|   |-- fonts
|   |   |-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot
|   |   |-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
|   |   |-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
|   |   `-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
|   `-- js
|       |-- bootstrap.js
|       |-- bootstrap.min.js
|       |-- holder.js
|       `-- respond.min.js
|-- css
|   `-- custom.css
|-- fonts
|   |-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg
|   |-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf
|   `-- glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff
|-- images
|-- img
`-- js
    |-- html5shiv.js
    |-- jquery.js
    `-- less-1.3.3.min.js

And all js and css files are correctly put to public folder, thus i can access to bootstrap/css/xxx.css files and so on, except font files.

I dont know what I should do to get them copied to the web directory. If I try php app/console assetic:dump then only the css and js files are copied:

php app/console assetic:dump
Dumping all dev assets.
Debug mode is on.

18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/css/bef717e.css
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/css/bef717e_bootstrap.min_1.css
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/6f9045a.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/6f9045a_html5shiv_1.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/6f9045a_respond.min_2.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/css/0c1e28e.css
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/css/0c1e28e_carousel_1.css
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/0aa0509.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/0aa0509_jquery_1.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/0aa0509_bootstrap.min_2.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/0aa0509_holder_3.js
18:41:17 [file+] /longpathToSymfony/app/../web/js/0aa0509_less-1.3.3.min_4.js

What should I do to include font files too? I'm having the same problem with, which is downloaded dynamically. Is there any way to say to symfony "hey put it in the web resource folder, because some of my components need it"?


  • I had the same problem and I just tried using the following as a workaround. Seems to work so far.

    {% stylesheets
    %}{% endstylesheets %}

    Notice the omission of any output which means nothing shows up on the template. When I run assetic:dump the files are copied over to the desired location and the css includes work as expected.