I am retrieving data from Google Direction API in the JSON format from which i am able to retrieve data. But one of the data is using escape sequences.
"end_location" : {
"lat" : 40.6497695,
"lng" : -73.94947789999999
"html_instructions" : "Head \u003cb\u003eeast\u003c/b\u003e on \u003cb\u003eErasmus St\u003c/b\u003e toward \u003cb\u003eNostrand Ave\u003c/b\u003e",
"polyline" : {
"points" : "}kbwFjjjbMAq@?SAK?Q"
now the problem is that html_instructions is forming data like a HTML (with escape sequence). But i want to display this data in a ListView Control. So i need to retrieve those instructions but without HTML part (if it make that thing bold i don't mind but i don't want it to be shown as Head toward...).
So how can i extract the data in my desired format.
If you are using the text from JSON in a TextView then you can use this method to show it correctly.
Say, JSONObject from "end_location" is named Object in your code. Then,
String instruction = Object.getString("html_instructions");
It will show html formatted string in your TextView. Hope it helps.