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Only display messages with: Project Stage[Development]: Unhandled Messages

I am trying to display simple messages with <p:messages/> but only I've got is the message of development mode of MyFaces. I will explain.

On my XHTML page, I have the following code to diplay my messages:

<div class="messagePanel">
    <p:messages id="msgCalls" 
                closable="true" />

On my bean:

public void init() {
    try {
        this.linhaCelularId = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("linhaCelularId");

        if (this.linhaCelularId == null || this.linhaCelularId.trim().isEmpty()) {
            Messages.addGlobalError(MENSAGEM_GLOBAL, "Nenhum celular especificado para listagem de ligações");
        else {
            this.linhaCelularTitular = getLinhaCelularTitularService().getById(Long.parseLong(this.linhaCelularId));

            if (this.linhaCelularTitular == null) {
                Messages.addGlobalError(MENSAGEM_GLOBAL, "Celular não encontrado!");
            else if (!this.linhaCelularTitular.getResponsavel().getAn8().equals(this.loginMB.getLoggedUser().getAn8())) {
                Messages.addGlobalError(MENSAGEM_GLOBAL, "Você não tem permissão para acessar essa página. Esse erro foi reportado.");
            else {
                this.faturaTitular = getFaturaTitularService().getUltimaFaturaCarregada();
                this.itensFaturaTitular = getFaturaTitularService().getItensFaturaPorCelularFatura(this.linhaCelularTitular, this.faturaTitular);
    catch (ServiceException e) {
        logger.error("Erro ao buscar ultima fatura carregada", e);
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

The problem is, that the message added by Faces.addGlobalError() or Faces.addError() is not showing by my <p:messages.../>. The message only shows up on Unhandled Messages of development mode. Take a look when I inspect the HTML:

<ul id="javax_faces_developmentstage_messages" 
    title="Project Stage[Development]: Unhandled Messages"
        <span title="Project Stage[Development]: Unhandled Messages">Você não tem permissão para acessar essa página. Esse erro foi reportado.</span>

I already tried some other ways to do:

  • Put only <p:messages/> and <h:messages> on XHTML;
  • Tried to use Faces.addGlobalError() and Faces.addError();
  • Used FacesMessage message = new FacesMessage();

None of above worked. I don't know what else to do. Currently, I am using MyFaces 2.1.12, Primefaces 4.0 and Omnifaces 1.5.


  • Found the solution.

    When I access my XHTML with GET request and parameters, the @PostConstruct is not called until "some reference" to the managed bean on page is made. So, the tag <p:messages /> was placed before the first reference to the managed bean. When the @PostConstruct was called, it was already too late to render the messages.

    The solution is to put the a preRenderView before the tag <p:messages /> and point to a method. Even to point to an empty method. Tthe managed bean will be constructed before the <p:messages /> and all messages will be rendered.

    Here is a nice explanation about this topic by @BalusC