I have a inserted items in the toolstripmenuitem control successfully. But i am not able to rearrange items as shown below :-
For ex :- Currently Items are added in toolstripmenuitem like below fashion:-
aa bb cc dd
ee ff gg hh
But i want like this :-
aa ee
bb ff
cc gg
dd hh
My code is :-
private void CreateEnterpriseHierarchy(ToolStripMenuItem selectToolStripMenuItem)
ToolStripMenuItem entToolStripMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
var enterprise = CurrentUserContext.ECPTree.Where(x => x.ImageIndex == 0).FirstOrDefault();
if (enterprise != null)
entToolStripMenuItem.Tag = enterprise;
entToolStripMenuItem.ToolTipText = entToolStripMenuItem.Name = entToolStripMenuItem.Text = enterprise.Name;
//entToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = enterprise.IsNodeEnabled;
//newToolStripMenuItem.Image =
entToolStripMenuItem.Image = this.imgListMenu.Images[0];
CreateCompanyList(entToolStripMenuItem, enterprise);
entToolStripMenuItem.Text = "---------";
// To open Hierarchy of Enterprise - Companies and Properties with Multiple Columns
ToolStripDropDown menu = new ToolStripDropDown();
ToolStripItem[] items = new ToolStripItem[entToolStripMenuItem.DropDown.Items.Count];
entToolStripMenuItem.DropDown.Items.CopyTo(items, 0);
// Transfer the items into the drop-down menu.
foreach (ToolStripItem item in items)
if (!(item is ToolStripSeparator)) menu.Items.Add(item);
// Adjust the layout of the new menu.
menu.LayoutStyle = ToolStripLayoutStyle.Table;
((TableLayoutSettings)menu.LayoutSettings).ColumnCount = 6;
// Attach it to the menu.
entToolStripMenuItem.DropDown = menu;
catch (Exception ex)
CusException cex = new CusException(ex);
and the Method CreateCompanyList:-
void CreateCompanyList(ToolStripMenuItem selectedMenuItem, SCTreeView Enterprise)
ToolStripMenuItem enterpiseMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
enterpiseMenuItem.Text = selectedMenuItem.Text;
enterpiseMenuItem.Tag = selectedMenuItem.Tag;
enterpiseMenuItem.Name = enterpiseMenuItem.Text = selectedMenuItem.Name;
enterpiseMenuItem.Enabled = Enterprise.IsNodeEnabled;
enterpiseMenuItem.ImageIndex = 0;
enterpiseMenuItem.Image = this.imgListMenu.Images[0];
enterpiseMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(DisplaySelectedLevel);
selectedMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());
foreach (var item in CurrentUserContext.ECPTree)
if (item.ImageIndex == 1)
ToolStripMenuItem companyMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem();
companyMenuItem.Tag = item;
companyMenuItem.Name = companyMenuItem.Text = item.Name;
// companyMenuItem.Enabled = item.IsNodeEnabled;
var lstProperties = CurrentUserContext.ECPTree.Where(x => x.ParentID == item.ID).ToList();
if (lstProperties.Count == 0)
companyMenuItem.Click += new EventHandler(DisplaySelectedLevel);
companyMenuItem.ImageIndex = item.ImageIndex;
companyMenuItem.Image = this.imgListMenu.Images[1];
CreatePropertyList(item, companyMenuItem);
if (selectedMenuItem.DropDown.Height > 500)
selectedMenuItem.DropDown.AutoSize = true;
selectedMenuItem.DropDown.Height = 500;
selectedMenuItem.DropDownDirection = ToolStripDropDownDirection.Default;
catch (Exception ex)
CusException cex = new CusException(ex);
Is there some way to achieve the desired layout style ?
Any help or idea is appreciated.
Standard .Net menu bar is a little bit messy especially when it comes to vertical displays.
Apply these values to your main menu bar properties:
This will make your menu bar bigger than what you expected, but it is relied on its items width
. When you want to add your menu remember to specify its width.