I encountered a very unusual Windows form bug and I just thought maybe some of you have an idea or have encountered this before. If so, please yell. :)
For instance (not exact text) Excerpt of .resx file (Resource)
<data name="Events.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Select one or more RaceCar tracks:</value>
this will display "Select one or more Racecar tracks:" which is incorrect because it should be RaceCar instead of Racecar.
But if I add any extra character at the end, it will be fixed.
<data name="Events.Text" xml:space="preserve">
<value>Select one or more RaceCar tracks: </value> -> if I add space " "
this will now display as is: "Select one or more RaceCar tracks: "
Any insight to what's happening in the .resx file?
After a lengthy debugging, turns out, something in our code changes the value.