The issue:
Jquery-ui-resizable doesn't seem to work correctly for rotated objects. After rotating the element the handles do the same thing they would do on unrotated element.
The idea:
The axis can probably be rotated according to the rotation matrix ( So I guess we can get updated mouse coords with x' = x*cos(a) -y*sin(a); y' = x*sin(a) + y*cos(a)
Have anyone seen the similar solution (patch, or a standalone jquery plugin for resizing)?
Can anyone give an advice for me if I would rewrite the _mouseStart
and _mouseDrag
methods of a jquery.ui.resizable?
Okay, finally I've returned to my issue and got some progress: I decided not to use rotation matrix right now (though, it actually works), but to switch the handlers
function switchAxis(axis, angle) {
while(angle >= 360) angle = 360-angle;
while(angle < 0) angle = 360+angle;
var axisArray = ["n", "ne", "e", "se", "s", "sw", "w", "nw"];
var octant = Math.round(angle/45); // 0 .. 7
var index = 0;
if ( [].indexOf ) {
index = axisArray.indexOf(axis);
} else {
for(var i=0; i<axisArray.length; i++) {
if (axisArray[i] === axis) index = i;
var newAxisIndex = (index + octant) % 8;
return axisArray[newAxisIndex];
I'll surely continue my search and probably will write own solution.