I have read a few questions on the differences between iVars and Properties like these: Why would you use an ivar?
ios interface iVar vs Property
What I would like to know is... If I am creating a BOOL that needs to be accessed in multiple methods in a UIViewController
(for example) what is the best way to create these?
At present I create proprties. This works fine and as expected. But as I read/learn more it appears that creating an iVar would be better for performance.
@interface ViewController : UIViewController{
BOOL myBool;
Would this be better for performance, and can multiple methods access this iVar if I set the value to YES in one, can I check the value in the other - as I can with property approach?
can multiple methods access this iVar if I set the value to YES in one, can I check the value in the other
Of course you can, even if you set the value to NO
. It is an instance variable and thus shared between all methods of one instance.
Would this be better for performance
No, unless you access the property very, very often, like 2^20 times per frame. Have a look at this Big Nerd Ranch post about iVar vs property performance. Usually the performance gain is not worth the loss in clarity.