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How to convert 1min OHLC data into 5min OHLC data

I'm trying to convert 1 minute OHLC (Open/High/Low/Close) data into 5 minute OHLC data in Excel 2013. So far I know the principle. Open has to take the open value every 5 rows, similarly for Close. Min/Max is also understandable. Unfortunately Excel can't understand that I want to get Min/Max from rows 0-5, 5-10 etc. it goes 0-5, 1-6, 2-7 etc.

I was also trying to use AVERAGE somehow but it's pointless since its output doesn't correspond with reality at all. From some more research I think I will have to create a macro from functions AVERAGE, OFFSET, INDEX and MATCH and that's where my struggle begins. I have no idea how to construct that formula.

Here's a picture of how it looks after using Filter on the Count Column:

enter image description here


  • Add a column (assumed to be A) on the left with 0 as a label and =IF(MOD(B2,6)=0,1+A1,A1) in A2 copied down. Subtotal for each change in 0 and use Count on all the other columns. Change the first subtotal row formulae to be:

    ColumnC: =C2
    ColumnD: =SUBTOTAL(4,D2:D6)
    ColumnE: =SUBTOTAL(5,E2:E6)
    ColumnF: =F6

    Filter for ColumnA contains c and copy formulae down.

    Edit enter image description here