As far as I can detect all machines are the same that excelDna is being used on.
On one specific machine I tried to use the code I have created, and ran into an issue. Logically I thought this was odd and instead tried to add a sample file that comes with the download.
So now, I am trying Errors.xll/Errors.dna that come as a sample. The same error occurrs. Therefore to me there is an issue on this specific machine.
The error I am receiving is "a problem occurred while an add-in was being initialized (InitialIntegration failed). The add-in is built with ExcelDna and is being loaded from P:\xlDna\Distribution\Errors.xll"
Has anyone encountered this? Help needed to understand why this is happening as it seems quite opaque to debug.
Hi what solved this for me was moving the xll and DNA to the users c:. Once located on the c: worked flawlessly.
Hope this helps someone else in the future.