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Equivalent of #define in Java?

I'm writing a library that needs to have some code if a particular library is included. Since this code is scattered all around the project, it would be nice if users didn't have to comment/uncomment everything themselves.

In C, this would be easy enough with a #define in a header, and then code blocks surrounded with #ifdefs. Of course, Java doesn't have the C preprocessor...

To clarify - several external libraries will be distributed with mine. I do not want to have to include them all to minimize my executable size. If a developer does include a library, I need to be able to use it, and if not, then it can just be ignored.

What is the best way to do this in Java?


  • As other have said, there is no such thing as #define/#ifdef in Java. But regarding your problem of having optional external libraries, which you would use, if present, and not use if not, using proxy classes might be an option (if the library interfaces aren't too big).

    I had to do this once for the Mac OS X specific extensions for AWT/Swing (found in*). The classes are, of course, only on the class-path if the application is running on Mac OS. To be able to use them but still allow the same app to be used on other platforms, I wrote simple proxy classes, which just offered the same methods as the original EAWT classes. Internally, the proxies used some reflection to determine if the real classes were on the class-path and would pass through all method calls. By using the java.lang.reflect.Proxy class, you can even create and pass around objects of a type defined in the external library, without having it available at compile time.

    For example, the proxy for looked like this:

    public class ApplicationListener {
        private static Class<?> nativeClass;
        static Class<?> getNativeClass() {
            try {
                if (ApplicationListener.nativeClass == null) {
                    ApplicationListener.nativeClass = Class.forName("");
                return ApplicationListener.nativeClass;
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException("This system does not support the Apple EAWT!", ex);
        private Object nativeObject;
        public ApplicationListener() {
            Class<?> nativeClass = ApplicationListener.getNativeClass();
            this.nativeObject = Proxy.newProxyInstance(nativeClass.getClassLoader(), new Class<?>[] {
            }, new InvocationHandler() {
                public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
                    String methodName = method.getName();
                    ApplicationEvent event = new ApplicationEvent(args[0]);
                    if (methodName.equals("handleReOpenApplication")) {
                    } else if (methodName.equals("handleQuit")) {
                    } else if (methodName.equals("handlePrintFile")) {
                    } else if (methodName.equals("handlePreferences")) {
                    } else if (methodName.equals("handleOpenFile")) {
                    } else if (methodName.equals("handleOpenApplication")) {
                    } else if (methodName.equals("handleAbout")) {
                    return null;
        Object getNativeObject() {
            return this.nativeObject;
        // followed by abstract definitions of all handle...(ApplicationEvent) methods

    All this only makes sense, if you need just a few classes from an external library, because you have to do everything via reflection at runtime. For larger libraries, you probably would need some way to automate the generation of the proxies. But then, if you really are that dependent on a large external library, you should just require it at compile time.

    Comment by Peter Lawrey: (Sorry to edit, its very hard to put code into a comment)

    The follow example is generic by method so you don't need to know all the methods involved. You can also make this generic by class so you only need one InvocationHandler class coded to cover all cases.

    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
        String methodName = method.getName();
        ApplicationEvent event = new ApplicationEvent(args[0]);
        Method method = ApplicationListener.class.getMethod(methodName, ApplicationEvent.class);
        return method.invoke(ApplicationListener.this, event);