Whenever my program processes the line:
it produces the exception like error:
FPSAnimator P1:Thread[main-FPSAWTAnimator-Timer0,5,main]: Task[thread Thread[main-FPSAWTAnimator-Timer0,5,main], stopped false, paused false shouldRun true, shouldStop false -- started true, animating true, paused false, drawable 1, drawablesEmpty false]
I dont understand why this occurs. The program works just as it is intended, but this exception occurs and I am wondering what is happening and why it occurs. Is it just a self status? Can I just ignore it? When I also call the stop method it produces a similar exception just with different booleans set to false. Can I just ignore this?
Im also using eclipse to run my code. Thanks
It appears to be a debug statement that was mistakenly left in the final build.