I have a configuration file completely in XAML
and classes which represents this markup.
My xaml-file looks like this:
<ElementList x:Name="completeElementDefinition">
<Element Type="X" Show="True" Refresh="30">
<Element Type="Y" Show="True" Refresh="30">
<ElementGroup Name="All Elements">
<!-- How to reference the ElementList "completeElementDefinition" defined above -->
<ElementGroup Name="Type X Elements">
<!-- How to reference single Elements from the list "completeElementDefinition" -->
<ElementGroup Name="Type Y Elements">
<!-- How to reference single Elements from the list "completeElementDefinition" -->
I tried first to implement a second ElementList
and Element
class in an extra namespace, so that i could define the grouped elements in the ElementGoup-Property of the configuration by using the different namespace. But this approach seems to be inelegant and redundant to me.
I've read about x:Reference
and I think it would be possible to implement a DependencyProperty
but I'm not sure whats the best approach for what i'm needing here. Since this is just a configuration and is parsed only once at the application start-up. So there is no real need for Bindings or am I wrong?
How can I realize what I'm looking for? Is there a better way to reference objects in my xaml-markup than I was able to find?
I missed the forest for the trees... Due some reseach effort I could solve my problem by myself.
The solution lied in the combination of the two approaches i mentioned above.
I implemented the Property <ElementGroup.Elements>
as a DependencyProperty
and used a DataBinding to reference the Elements defined in <RootConfiguration.Elements>
#region Dependancy Property
// Dependency Property
public static readonly DependencyProperty ElementsProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("Elements", typeof(ElementList),
typeof(ElementGroup), new PropertyMetadata(null));
// .NET Property wrapper
public ElementList Elements {
get { return (ElementList )GetValue(ElementsProperty ); }
set { SetValue(ElementsProperty , value); }
Now I can reffer to the Elements in my XAML-Markup like shown here:
<ElementsGroup Name="All Elements" Elements="{x:Reference completeElementDefinition}" />
<!-- [...] -->