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Pulling data from Java application to Salesforce, where should i start?

I'm new in programming, and I'm trying to do a something like this. I have data(Objects, Fields & Records) in a Java based web application. I need that data on How do i achieve this? by diggin in stack for an hour i came across couple of solutions(A part of it though).

  1. Using data export option in Salesforce, which is again manual, i dont know if there is a automate process.
  2. Using SOAP api or Partner API

    • To get the objects : describeGlobal()
    • To get list of fields: describeSObjects.

Any ideas ? or suggestions ?

Thanks in advance.


  • 1 - Data export functionality provided out of the box by salesforce allows your organization to generate backup files of your data on a weekly or monthly basis depending on your edition. It is mostly used for backup purposes.

    2 - Is the upload process something triggered from the Java application itself ? or you need some periodical data dump between your webapp and salesfoce ?

    In the first case you have to use the SOAP API interface,directly inside your java code.

    find below a good recipe from the cookbook:

    In the second case you can export your data into a csv file from your java app and load it in salesforce using the Dataloader. This process can be easily batched periodically.