I'm trying to extend the example grammar of PEG.js for parsing mathematical expressions with all the 4 operators for my online BASIC interpreter experiment:
but not all the expressions are parsed correctly.
This is my PEG grammar:
expression = additive
additive = left:multiplicative atag:("+" / "-") right:additive { return {tag: atag, left:left, right:right}; } / multiplicative
multiplicative = left:primary atag:("*" / "/") right:multiplicative { return {tag: atag, left:left, right:right}; } / primary
primary = number / "(" additive:additive ")" { return additive; }
number = digits:[0-9]+ { return parseInt(digits.join(""), 10); }
It parses correctly expressions like 2*3+1 (giving 7), but not an expression like 2-1-1, that gives 2 instead of 0.
Can you help me improving and debugging this?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I've added the "number" rule to the grammar. And yes, my grammar gives as output a recursive structure that is analogue to a parse tree.
First: your grammar is missing the number
rule. Also, as I'm sure you're aware, running your grammar (after adding number
) on your example does not give 2, but rather something like a parse tree. Would you mind updating the question to fix those two issues?
It looks like you've run into associativity. Associativity comes into play when two operators with the same precedence are competing for an operand. In your example, -
is competing with -
-- so clearly it will have the same precedence as itself -- but associativity will also be important for breaking ties between +
and -
, and between *
and /
I assume that 2*3+1
is parsed correctly because the two operators have different precedences, meaning that associativity does not come into play, and that your grammar correctly implements precedence (although you should note that 2+3*1
is a more standard example for showing that multiplication has higher precedence than addition, since simple left-to-right parsing of 2*3+1
gives the same result as your parser).
I assume you want -
to be left-associative, but it seems to be right-associative in your grammar, based on this example:
output (parsed as 1-(2-3)
"tag": "-",
"left": "1",
"right": {
"tag": "-",
"left": "2",
"right": "3"
The left associative tree would look like this (from (1-2)-3
"tag": "-",
"left": {
"tag": "-",
"left": "1",
"right": "2"
"right": "3"
You should note that your other operators also appear to be right-associative instead of left-.
Solution: I don't really know how peg.js works, but some quick googling turned up this.
Grammar-based solutions to operator precedence and associativity are often pretty nasty (see a grammar for Python for evidence), so you may want to check out [top down] operator precedence parsing for a more flexible and expressive alternative. Douglas Crockford, Vaughn Pratt, and Annika Aasa have some nice articles on this subject.