I'd like to post images from my addon to my Servlet that processes the images and returns a PDF. The servlet works. I just don't know how to handle the resulting PDF from my addon.
const request= require("sdk/request").Request;
let req= request({
url: "http://localhost:8090/Whatever/PdfServlet",
content: params,
onComplete: function (response) {
Here, object params contains the base64 encoded images. Everything works, I can see the beginning of the PDF stream in the console log. But how do I make Firefox show its open/save dialog so that the user can save or view the PDF?
Here's a solution:
const querystring= require('sdk/querystring');
const winUtils= require('sdk/window/utils');
let stringStream= Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"].
stringStream.data= querystring.stringify(params);
let postData= Cc["@mozilla.org/network/mime-input-stream;1"].
postData.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
postData.addContentLength = true;
winUtils.getMostRecentBrowserWindow().loadURI("http://localhost:8090/Whatever/PdfServlet", null, postData, null);
Or I could open a new window, but I didn't like that:
args: ["http://localhost:8090/Whatever/PdfServlet", null, null, postData]