I Have the following base class :
public abstract class ItemComponentSaver<TType> : where TType : ItemComponent
public abstract bool SaveItem(TType item, object objectRowInTableFromEF, PropertyInfo columnTypeProperty);
This one, also has some children, for each of the types that I support. My idea is to use them polymorphically to perform a save operation later on, for example
public class CellSaver : ItemComponentSaver<Cell>
public override bool SaveItem(Cell item, object objectRowInTableFromEF, PropertyInfo columnTypeProperty)
// code here
Now, I know that at some point I need to create this stuff, so there's the unavoidable "switch" like statement, I craeted a factory for this:
public static class ItemComponentSaverFactory
public static ItemComponentSaver<T> GetSaver<T>(ItemComponent entity) where T : ItemComponent
if (entity is Cell)
return (ItemComponentSaver<T>)new CellSaver();
if (entity is Row)
return (ItemComponentSaver<T>)new RowSaver();
The problem is, I can't cast the CellSaver to the return type, because it's generic. I could also return an interface instead of the class tpe, but of course, if I create the interface, I need to make it generic as well, because the return type is like that How can I handle this case in an elegant way??
There are other option for this design,but since we dont know the internals of what you are trying to do my answer will be based only with the presented code. You can rewrite your GetSaver method like this:
public static ItemComponentSaver<T> GetSaver<T>() where T : ItemComponent
if (typeof(T) == typeof(Cell))
return new CellSaver() as ItemComponentSaver<T>;
else if (typeof(T) == typeof(Row))
return new RowSaver() as ItemComponentSaver<T>;
return null;//here you can return what u need in case no types match.
Calling like so...
ItemComponentSaver<Row> saver = ItemComponentSaverFactory.GetSaver<Row>();