Following example is not the original code, I'm not looking for a workaround.
There is a Class For Generic Parsing/UnMarshalling like:
public class UnMarshaller<T extends AClass> {
This works fine, until I try to provide a Generic Method to access it.
public class UnMarshall{
// the T schema is every time a Subclass of AClass
public <T extends AClass> Queue<T> instantiateSomething(Input i, T schema) {
UnMarshaller<schema> unmarshaller= new UnMarshaller<schema>(schema, i);
return unmarshaller.getQueue();
UnMarshaller<schema> and new UnMarshaller<schema> are troubleing, but i doesn't get it. How can I instantiate this class?
When using a generic type parameter, supply the class/type name, not the variable name:
UnMarshaller<T> unmarshaller = new UnMarshaller<T>(schema, i);