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CryptoJS and PHP SHA256

I would like to get Both CryptoJS's SHA256 and php's Crypt SHA256 output to match.

PHP crypt has a salt and a number of rounds. E.g. for 5000 rounds and salt of "usesomesillystringforsalt" it would be;

$hash = crypt('Clear Text String', '$5$rounds=5000$usesomesillystringforsalt$');

I hope im not blind, but i cant find how to reproduce this behaviour in crypto-js. Its syntax doesn't seem to allow for rounds or salt.

Is it possible or should i just resort to using the basic PHP hash instead of crypt?


  • The CryptoJS API doesn't provide a way to specify a salt or the number of rounds for SHA256. You could add a salt manually if necessary, and specifying rounds doesn't make sense since "plain" SHA256 always uses a fixed number of rounds (64).

    The number of rounds in PHP's crypt() actually defines how often the SHA256 algorithm is applied consecutively, in order to increase the complexity of brute force attacks. The PHP source code comments on this as follows: "Repeatedly run the collected hash value through SHA256 to burn CPU cycles".

    As you can see in the source code (here and here), crypt() is actually a key derivation function that only makes use of SHA256 to generate cryptographically secure, salted hashes. So it also doesn't simply append the given salt to the key, instead it's a more elaborate process.

    Therefore, it is not possible to get the same results with the algorithms provided by CryptoJS.

    crypt() is mainly intended for password hashing. So if you need the hashes for another purpose, hash() is a good alternative (and of course creates exactly the same results as CryptoJS.SHA256()).

    However, bear in mind that any cryptography with JavaScript is generally considered harmful. Hence, you should better use SSL in your application, if possible, and generate the hashes server side. If this is an option, have a look at bcrypt.