First try at windows driver development. How can I convert a WCHAR array (coming from user-space) to a UNICODE_STRING (in kernel mode) assuming that the WCHAR array is not null-terminated?
Should I verify if it ends with null and if it doesn't allocate a new buffer (+2 for the null) and then use the RtlAnsiXXX functions? What is the proper way?
To initialize UNICODE_STRING from wchar array use RtlInitUnicodeString.
WCHAR array has to be null-terminated.
So if you checked and wchar-string is not null terminated, you should allocate a new buffer(+sizeof(WCHAR) for null), copy array content and then call RtlInitUnicodeString.
To check if wchar-string from user-mode is null-terminated I am using:
BOOLEAN IsStringTerminated(PWCHAR Array, USHORT ArrayLength, USHORT *StringLength)
BOOLEAN bStringIsTerminated = FALSE;
USHORT uiIndex = 0;
*StringLength = 0;
while(uiIndex < ArrayLength && bStringIsTerminated == FALSE)
if(Array[uiIndex] == L'\0')
*StringLength = uiIndex + 1;
bStringIsTerminated = TRUE;
return bStringIsTerminated;