I'm new to the C/C++ game so I assume I'm making a rookie mistake:
int main(){
char* clen;
clen = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
if (clen==NULL){
cout << "No such ENV var: CONTENT_LENGTH"<<endl;
int cl = 0;
cl = atoi(clen);
if (cl < 1){
return inputPage();
// if there is no content, we assume that this is a fresh request,
// so we showed the input page, otherwise, we'll return dispatch to
//the processing code.
This is supposed to be a CGI script. As far as I can tell with GDB, print statements, etc. this code segfaults on the line "cl = atoi(clen);" I have no idea why this is. K&R suggests that this is correct. I basically copied this line from a half dozen other online tutorials. And it seemed to be working last night! I'm totally stumped.
I don't believe that it really crashes on atoi()
Could you please try out this code?
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
using namespace std;
int main(){
char* clen;
clen = getenv("CONTENT_LENGTH");
if (clen==NULL){
cout << "No such ENV var: CONTENT_LENGTH"<<endl;
int cl = 0;
cl = atoi(clen);
if (cl < 1){
std::cout << "return inputPage();" << std::endl;
return 0;
std::cout << "postTest();" << std::endl;
compile it e.g. to "app" and run it with some variations of CONTENT_LENGTH, e.g.