Search code examples

java.util.Arrays$ArrayList cannot be cast to java.lang.String on hibernate restriction

I've been staring at this issue for too long. When executing the .list() line spring throws an exception with regards to the .add("LocationCode", locations)) java.util.Arrays$ArrayList cannot be cast to java.lang.String. is expecting (string, Object[]) no??

Can someone point out what I'm missing when passing in to the

public List getIDsByDivision(String SelectedAccountCode,
        List SelectedDivision, String SelectedLocation) {
    List IDs=null;
    String result="--Select--";
    Session session=null;

    String[] locations=SelectedLocation.split(",");


        if(null!=SelectedAccountCode && !SelectedAccountCode.equals("--Select--") 

            // TODO fix this to location
            .add(Restrictions.eq("AcctCode", SelectedAccountCode))
            .add(Restrictions.eq("Division", SelectedDivision))
            .add("LocationCode", locations ))


Customer class

package <removed>;

import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.Entity;
import javax.persistence.Id;

public class Customer {

private String ID;
private String Name;
private String AcctCode;
private String LocationCode;
private String Division;
private String ContactEmail;

public Customer(){}

public Customer(String iD, String name, String acctCode,
        String locationCode, String division, String contactEmail) {
    ID = iD;
    Name = name;
    AcctCode = acctCode;
    LocationCode = locationCode;
    Division = division;

public String getID() {
    return ID;

public void setID(String iD) {
    ID = iD;

public String getName() {
    return Name;

public void setName(String name) {
    Name = name;

public String getAcctCode() {
    return AcctCode;

public void setAcctCode(String acctCode) {
    AcctCode = acctCode;

public String getLocationCode() {
    return LocationCode;

public void setLocationCode(String locationCode) {
    LocationCode = locationCode;

public String getDivision() {
    return Division;

public void setDivision(String division) {
    Division = division;

public String getContactEmail() {
    return ContactEmail;

public void setContactEmail(String contactEmail) {
    ContactEmail = contactEmail;



  • Semi-false positive on what the issue was, the following works(I need to refactor, but hopefully the gist is understood):

        String[] locations=SelectedLocation.split(",");
        List<String> locs=new ArrayList<String>();
        for(String l:locations)


    The exception was actually referring to:

    .add("Division", SelectedDivision))

    (adding this for completeness)

    .add("LocationCode", locs.toArray(new String[locs.size()]) ))