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How to force repaint of a glass pane?

I have a Swing app with a glass pane over a map.

It paints dots at certain positions. When I click somewhere on the map, and the glass pane receives the message CONTROLLER_NEW_POLYGON_MARK I want do display an additional dot at the position specified in the event data (see MyGlassPane.propertyChange).

The glass pane class is called MyGlassPane. Using the debugger I validated that addPointToMark is actually called in propertyChange.

But no additional dots appear on the screen.

How can I change the code so that PointSetMarkingGlassPane.paintComponent is called whenever an event (IEventBus.CONTROLLER_NEW_POLYGON_MARK) is fired?

public class PointSetMarkingGlassPane extends JComponent implements IGlassPane {
    private final ILatLongToScreenCoordinatesConverter latLongToScreenCoordinatesConverter;
    private final List<Point.Double> pointsToMark = new LinkedList<Point.Double>();

    public PointSetMarkingGlassPane(final ILatLongToScreenCoordinatesConverter aConverter) {
        this.latLongToScreenCoordinatesConverter = aConverter;

    protected void addPointToMark(final Point.Double aPoint)
        if (aPoint != null)

    protected void paintComponent(final Graphics aGraphics) {
        for (final Point.Double pointToMark : pointsToMark)
            final Point positionInScreenCoords = latLongToScreenCoordinatesConverter.getScreenCoordinates(pointToMark);
            drawCircle(aGraphics, positionInScreenCoords,;

    private void drawCircle(Graphics g, Point point, Color color) {
        g.fillOval(point.x, point.y, 10, 10);


public class MyGlassPane extends PointSetMarkingGlassPane implements PropertyChangeListener {
    public MyGlassPane(ILatLongToScreenCoordinatesConverter aConverter) {


    public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) {
        if (IEventBus.CONTROLLER_NEW_POLYGON_MARK.equals(evt.getPropertyName()))


  • As I think invalidate() only flags your component to check sizes and layout. You should call repaint() to repaint your pane.

    Also I am wondering why you use propertyChangeListener for mouse clicks. I would prefer just simple mouse listener + MouseAdapter and MouseEvent x, y, buttons state.