I have a web2py form created via SQLFORM. There is a section of the form that is optional and therefore I want it to be hidden from display by default and only shown when the user checks a checkbox on the form.
What I am doing now is setting the various input form rows to be display none in the controller:
form.element('#mytable_myfield__row')['_style'] = 'display: none'
and then in my veiw:
{{extend 'layout.html'}}
$('#mytable_is_something').change(function() {
<h1>Create Something</h1>
(where #mytable_is_something
is the id of my checkbox)
Seems reasonable, though might be cleaner if you move the CSS to a block in the view (or a separate stylesheet) rather than inline.
Probably the best way would be to create a custom form layout.