I'm a newbish in ASM.
I'm trying to accomplish a simple task - sum of the numbers between 1 to 100, eax
will hold the sum.
e.g: 1 + 2 + 3 + .. + 100
So here's the relevant code:
XOR eax, eax ;; Set eax to 0
MOV ecx, 100 ;; We will loop 100 times
ADD eax, ecx ;; We add the ecx register value to eax, ecx decreses by 1 every iteration untill he reaches 0
LOOP my_loop
;;Exit the program, eax is the exit code
push eax
call ExitProcess
When I debug the exe file, eax
is being 0. How is it possible?
BTW, is there any easy way to print the value of EAX
to the console, instead of opening Windbg to check its value?
This program, a little bit adapted for FreshLib works like a charm. The core of the program is the same, I simply added some console output. (and well, it is FASM syntax) So, you simply missed to notice that the program is working properly.
include "%lib%/freshlib.inc"
@BinaryType console
include "%lib%/freshlib.asm"
XOR eax, eax ;; Set eax to 0
MOV ecx, 100 ;; We will loop 100 times
ADD eax, ecx ;; We add the ecx register value to eax, ecx decreses by 1 every iteration untill he reaches 0
LOOP my_loop
;;Exit the program, eax is the exit code
mov ebx, eax
stdcall NumToStr, ebx, ntsDec or ntsSigned
stdcall FileWriteString, [STDOUT], eax
stdcall FileReadLine, [STDIN] ; in order to pause until ENTER is pressed.
stdcall TerminateAll, ebx