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How to read a properties file in javascript from project directory?

I'm building a Chrome Packaged App. I want to put the script configuration if a config file in a resource directory and on startup want to read that by Javascript.

For example

  • Project
    • WebContent
      • index.html
      • manifest.json
      • main.js
      • resource

Here I want main.js to load file in the beginning and get key-value pairs.

Have anyone done something like this?


  • There is a super simple way to do this, along the lines of sowbug's answer, but which doesn't need any XHR or file reading.

    Step 1. Create resource/config.js like so:

    gOptions = {
      // This can have nested stuff, arrays, etc.
      color: 'red',
      size: 'big',
      enabled: true,
      count: 5

    Step 2. Include this file in your index.html:

    <!doctype html>
      <script src="resource/config.js"></script>

    Step 3. Access your options directly from your main.js (or anywhere):

      if (gOptions.enabled) {
        for (var i = 0; i < gOptions.count; i++) {