I am trying to get rid of the spaces that are above the rangeslider. I thought hiding the labels was what I needed to do but that only made the space blank. How can I get rid of this space?
I saw "margin:0" in another post and tried that but it didn't work.
<div data-role="rangeslider">
<label for="range-1a" class="ui-hidden-accessible">Rangeslider:</label>
<input type="range" name="range-1a" id="range-1a" min="-10" max="50" value="-10" step="10">
<label for="range-1b" class="ui-hidden-accessible">Rangeslider:</label>
<input type="range" name="range-1b" id="range-1b" min="-10" max="50" value="50" step="10">
I collapsed the inputs with this.
$(".ui-slider-input").wrap($('<div />').css({
position: 'relative',
display: 'inline-block',
height: '0px',
width: '0px',
margin: '0px',
overflow: 'hidden'