Currently in production I'm getting this text:
500 Internal Server Error
If you are the administrator of this website, then please read this web application's
log file and/or the web server's log file to find out what went wrong.
There isn't any HTML on that page. Where is this code situated? I don't have a public/500.html file.
In my routes I have:
get "/404", :to => "errors#error_404"
get "/422", :to => "errors#error_404"
get "/500", :to => "errors#error_500"
get "/505", :to => "errors#error_505"
class ErrorsController < ApplicationController
def sub_layout
def error_404
render :status => 404, :formats => [:html], :layout => "white", :sub_layout => "left"
def error_422
render :status => 422, :formats => [:html], :layout => "white", :sub_layout => "left"
def error_500
render :status => 500, :formats => [:html], :layout => "white", :sub_layout => "left"
def error_505
render :status => 505, :formats => [:html], :layout => "white", :sub_layout => "left"
How do I make it load my custom errors always? On some errors, it just throws those two lines of text coming somewhere from the Ruby on Rails core. I want it to pickup my custom styled error pages every time!
The error you are experiencing is being thrown from
This means the code your exceptions are getting rescued by are themselves throwing exceptions. You can check your logs for text:
Error during failsafe response:
to identify what the exceptions really are originating from and thus solve your problem.